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uh manoa file drop

Uh Manoa File Drop - When thinking about an app that could be used to help UH Manoa in some way, my group came up with an app related to campus renovations. We believe that, currently, there is no way to organize or group campus renovations into a single resource for UH Manoah. We're not sure how campus maintenance is going about this right now, but we believe a web tool or application could greatly help coordinate their efforts. We will explain how this app can be used in practice:

Say a student or faculty member is walking around campus between classes This person notices a damaged or suspicious railing, pothole or similar They use the app to take photos of the event and then write a short caption about the event. Once uploaded, the report is also geo-tagged The app will also have a built-in campus map where dots on the map represent all the reports generated. If possible, we can implement a feature that will not allow fake reports based on geo-tag similarity. This aggregate map can be submitted for maintenance Email notifications can be sent to maintenance when a report is submitted (or even better, both).

Uh Manoa File Drop

Uh Manoa File Drop

In addition to reports of vandalism or damage, apps may also have lost functionality I also think we can use the filter() function to filter the report in these three categories This will further organize the reports and make it easier for users to find which reports they want to see

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Finally, I think we should implement regular user vs admin roles The administrator reserves the right to remove reports that are resolved or deemed frivolous I think administrators can determine by login credentials I think it will be a worthwhile project for the campus

After opening the app, the user will see a page with an ad report button and a sign-in button as available options If a user tries to use the Add Report button before signing in, they will be directed to a sign-in prompt. Sign-in is required because it gives the submitter an identity and helps fight against random spammers.

This tutorial is for those who want to download the app, make their own customizations and finally run their own version of the app. I will now go through step by step how to go about it:

If you want to go a step further and watch it live on Galaxy, check out this link:

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A brief note on site facilities... We have divided users into two categories: general users and administration Normal users have the ability to add and edit/remove reports

Report administrators can also set the status of all reports, which normal users cannot (all reports have a default status value of "Pending").

Administrator roles are granted access to a special list of reports that allows them to update the status of reports as well as delete reports with commands specified in that report list.

Uh Manoa File Drop

We interviewed many enthusiastic students and faculty to gain insight into our app They provided constructive criticism about how the app could be improved, and what they liked and disliked about the app in general.

Hawai'i College Guide

Summary: The app is a great idea and will definitely be used in the department An "online bulletin board" is said to help organize tasks Faculty members liked how quick it was to prepare the report and how easy it was to see all the options. The faculty said that the mobile app would definitely be an improvement, as most of the teachers are working in the field. Overall, the faculty were grateful that our team considered the department as many of the department's efforts had been neglected.

After kicking this idea around in our heads for a few days, we realized it could be used by the entire student/faculty body. It's unlikely that most students and professors would take the time to download and use an app with such contextual uses Therefore, we propose that this app is created for maintenance purposes only Maintenance can use a special webtool to help organize and document their work If it is only used for maintenance, the app can be more focused and effective for that group of people, losing its overall effect, maintenance people looking for campus damage…. Just my two cents

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